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= 范围 =
= 范围 =
== 命名空间 ==
// 在.cpp文件里
// 命名空间里的内容需要缩进
};      // 常用的常量
bool AtEof()
return EOF == pos_;
}  // 使用命名空间里的EOF
// 在.hpp文件中
namespace mynamespace
// 所有的声明都在命名空间的范围内
// 注意缩进
class MyClass
void Foo();
// 在.cpp文件中
namespace mynamespace
// 在命名空间范围内的函数定义
void MyClass::Foo()
#include "a.hpp"
#define someflag "dummy flag"
class C; // 在全局命名空间中类C的前置声明
namespace a
class A; // a::A的前置声明
namespace b
...code for b...
// 禁止 -- 污染了命名空间。
using namespace foo;
// 可以在.cpp文件中
// 在.hpp中的话,就必须在函数、方法或类中
using ::foo::bar;
// 在.cpp文件中把常用的名字缩短
namespace fbz = ::foo::bar::baz;
// 在.hpp文件中把常用的名字缩短
namespace librarian
// 下面的别名可以用于任何包含着个头文件的地方
// (在librarian命名空间中):
// 别名应该在项目内保持一致
namespace pd_s = ::pipeline_diagnostics::sidetable;
inline void my_inline_function()
// 命名空间别名在函数(或方法)内
namespace fbz = ::foo::bar::baz;
== 内嵌类 ==
Although you may use public nested classes when they are part of an interface, consider a namespace to keep declarations out of the global scope.
A class can define another class within it; this is also called a member class.
class Foo
// Bar is a member class, nested within Foo.
class Bar
This is useful when the nested (or member) class is only used by the enclosing class; making it a member puts it in the enclosing class scope rather than polluting the outer scope with the class name. Nested classes can be forward declared within the enclosing class and then defined in the .cpp file to avoid including the nested class definition in the enclosing class declaration, since the nested class definition is usually only relevant to the implementation.
Nested classes can be forward-declared only within the definition of the enclosing class. Thus, any header file manipulating a Foo::Bar* pointer will have to include the full class declaration for Foo.
Do not make nested classes public unless they are actually part of the interface, e.g., a class that holds a set of options for some method.
== 非成员、静态成员和全局函数 ==
Prefer nonmember functions within a namespace or static member functions to global functions; use completely global functions rarely.
Nonmember and static member functions can be useful in some situations. Putting nonmember functions in a namespace avoids polluting the global namespace.
Nonmember and static member functions may make more sense as members of a new class, especially if they access external resources or have significant dependencies.
Sometimes it is useful, or even necessary, to define a function not bound to a class instance. Such a function can be either a static member or a nonmember function. Nonmember functions should not depend on external variables, and should nearly always exist in a namespace. Rather than creating classes only to group static member functions which do not share static data, use namespaces instead.
Functions defined in the same compilation unit as production classes may introduce unnecessary coupling and link-time dependencies when directly called from other compilation units; static member functions are particularly susceptible to this. Consider extracting a new class, or placing the functions in a namespace possibly in a separate library.
If you must define a nonmember function and it is only needed in its .cpp file, use an unnamed namespace or static linkage (eg static int Foo() {...}) to limit its scope.
== 局部变量 ==
Place a function's variables in the narrowest scope possible, and initialize variables in the declaration.
C++ allows you to declare variables anywhere in a function. We encourage you to declare them in as local a scope as possible, and as close to the first use as possible. This makes it easier for the reader to find the declaration and see what type the variable is and what it was initialized to. In particular, initialization should be used instead of declaration and assignment, e.g.
int i;
i = f(); // Bad -- initialization separate from declaration.
int j = g(); // Good -- declaration has initialization.
Note that MSVC and gcc implements for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) correctly (the scope of i is only the scope of the for loop), so you can then reuse i in another for loop in the same scope. It also correctly scopes declarations in if and while statements, e.g.
while (const char* p = strchr(str, '/'))
str = p + 1;
There is one caveat: if the variable is an object, its constructor is invoked every time it enters scope and is created, and its destructor is invoked every time it goes out of scope.
// Inefficient implementation:
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++ i)
Foo f;  // My ctor and dtor get called 1000000 times each.
It may be more efficient to declare such a variable used in a loop outside that loop:
Foo f;  // My ctor and dtor get called once each.
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++ i)
== 静态和全局变量 ==
Static or global variables of class type are forbidden: they cause hard-to-find bugs due to indeterminate order of construction and destruction. On some platform, (e.g. Android), a global variables with constructor crashes all the time.
Objects with static storage duration, including global variables, static variables, static class member variables, and function static variables, must be Plain Old Data (POD): only ints, chars, floats, or pointers, or arrays/structs of POD.
The order in which class constructors and initializers for static variables are called is only partially specified in C++ and can even change from build to build, which can cause bugs that are difficult to find. Therefore in addition to banning globals of class type, we do not allow static POD variables to be initialized with the result of a function, unless that function (such as getenv(), or getpid()) does not itself depend on any other globals.
Likewise, the order in which destructors are called is defined to be the reverse of the order in which the constructors were called. Since constructor order is indeterminate, so is destructor order. For example, at program-end time a static variable might have been destroyed, but code still running -- perhaps in another thread -- tries to access it and fails. Or the destructor for a static 'string' variable might be run prior to the destructor for another variable that contains a reference to that string.
As a result we only allow static variables to contain POD data. This rule completely disallows vector (use C arrays instead), or string (use const char []).
If you need a static or global variable of a class type, consider initializing a pointer (which will never be freed), from either your main() function or from pthread_once(). Note that this must be a raw pointer, not a "smart" pointer, since the smart pointer's destructor will have the order-of-destructor issue that we are trying to avoid.
= 类 =
= 类 =

Revision as of 09:46, 8 May 2012

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所有的头文件都应该同时有“#define防护”和“#pragma once”,以防止多次包含,并能加速编译。符号名的格式是_<FILE>_HPP。比如,文件foo.hpp应该有这样的防护:

#ifndef _FOO_HPP
#define _FOO_HPP

#pragma once


#endif		// _FOO_HPP




通过使用前置声明,你可以显著地减少在你的头文件中需要包含的其他头文件数量。比如,如果你的头文件使用了File类,但不需要访问到File类的定义,你的头文件只需要前置声明一个class File,而不用#include "base/file.hpp"。在KlayGE中,所有的类和结构都在"KlayGE/PreDeclare.hpp"中进行了前置声明。你可以在你的.hpp开头#include它。


  • 可以把数据成员的类型定义成Foo*或Foo&。
  • 在函数的声明(但不是定义)中,可以使用Foo类型的参数和/或返回类型。(例外之一是,如果一个参数Foo或Foo const &有非显式的、单参数构造函数,你就需要完整的定义才能支持自动类型转换。)
  • 可以声明Foo类型的静态数据成员。这是因为静态数据成员是在类定义之外进行定义的。
























#include <KlayGE/foo.hpp>


  1. KlayGE/KlayGE.hpp
  2. dir2/foo2.hpp (推荐的位置——细节参见下面)。
  3. C系统文件。
  4. C++系统文件
  5. 其他库的.hpp文件。
  6. 你项目的.hpp文件。




#include <KlayGE/KlayGE.hpp>

#include <KlayGE/foo.hpp>

#include <vector>

#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

#include <KlayGE/Math.hpp>
#include <KlayGE/ResLoader.hpp>















  • 在.cpp文件中使用匿名命名空间是允许的,甚至鼓励的,可以避免运行期名字冲突:
	// 在.cpp文件里

	// 命名空间里的内容需要缩进
	};       // 常用的常量

	bool AtEof()
		return EOF == pos_;
	}  // 使用命名空间里的EOF


  • 不要在.hpp文件中使用匿名命名空间



  • 命名空间可以围绕整个源文件,在include、定义/声明、以及来自其他命名空间的类的前置声明之后:
// 在.hpp文件中
namespace mynamespace
	// 所有的声明都在命名空间的范围内
	// 注意缩进
	class MyClass
		void Foo();

// 在.cpp文件中
namespace mynamespace
	// 在命名空间范围内的函数定义
	void MyClass::Foo()


#include "a.hpp"

#define someflag "dummy flag"

class C;	// 在全局命名空间中类C的前置声明
namespace a
	class A;	// a::A的前置声明

namespace b
	...code for b...
  • 不要在std命名空间内声明任何东西,即使是标准库类的前置声明。在std命名空间中声明一个东西会导致未定义的行为,也就是,不可移植。要声明标准库中的东西,就包含适当的头文件。
  • 不能使用using指示符从一个命名空间中开放出所有的名字。


// 禁止 -- 污染了命名空间。
using namespace foo;
  • 可以在.cpp文件的任何地方使用using声明,在.hpp文件的函数、方法和类中使用using声明。


// 可以在.cpp文件中
// 在.hpp中的话,就必须在函数、方法或类中
using ::foo::bar;
  • 可以在.cpp文件的任何地方使用命名空间别名,在围绕整个.hpp文件的名字空间内的任何地方、以及函数和方法内使用命名空间别名。
// 在.cpp文件中把常用的名字缩短
namespace fbz = ::foo::bar::baz;

// 在.hpp文件中把常用的名字缩短
namespace librarian
	// 下面的别名可以用于任何包含着个头文件的地方
	// (在librarian命名空间中):
	// 别名应该在项目内保持一致
	namespace pd_s = ::pipeline_diagnostics::sidetable;

	inline void my_inline_function()
		// 命名空间别名在函数(或方法)内
		namespace fbz = ::foo::bar::baz;



Although you may use public nested classes when they are part of an interface, consider a namespace to keep declarations out of the global scope.


A class can define another class within it; this is also called a member class.

class Foo
	// Bar is a member class, nested within Foo.
	class Bar


This is useful when the nested (or member) class is only used by the enclosing class; making it a member puts it in the enclosing class scope rather than polluting the outer scope with the class name. Nested classes can be forward declared within the enclosing class and then defined in the .cpp file to avoid including the nested class definition in the enclosing class declaration, since the nested class definition is usually only relevant to the implementation.


Nested classes can be forward-declared only within the definition of the enclosing class. Thus, any header file manipulating a Foo::Bar* pointer will have to include the full class declaration for Foo.


Do not make nested classes public unless they are actually part of the interface, e.g., a class that holds a set of options for some method.


Prefer nonmember functions within a namespace or static member functions to global functions; use completely global functions rarely.


Nonmember and static member functions can be useful in some situations. Putting nonmember functions in a namespace avoids polluting the global namespace.


Nonmember and static member functions may make more sense as members of a new class, especially if they access external resources or have significant dependencies.


Sometimes it is useful, or even necessary, to define a function not bound to a class instance. Such a function can be either a static member or a nonmember function. Nonmember functions should not depend on external variables, and should nearly always exist in a namespace. Rather than creating classes only to group static member functions which do not share static data, use namespaces instead.

Functions defined in the same compilation unit as production classes may introduce unnecessary coupling and link-time dependencies when directly called from other compilation units; static member functions are particularly susceptible to this. Consider extracting a new class, or placing the functions in a namespace possibly in a separate library.

If you must define a nonmember function and it is only needed in its .cpp file, use an unnamed namespace or static linkage (eg static int Foo() {...}) to limit its scope.


Place a function's variables in the narrowest scope possible, and initialize variables in the declaration.

C++ allows you to declare variables anywhere in a function. We encourage you to declare them in as local a scope as possible, and as close to the first use as possible. This makes it easier for the reader to find the declaration and see what type the variable is and what it was initialized to. In particular, initialization should be used instead of declaration and assignment, e.g.


int i;
i = f();	// Bad -- initialization separate from declaration.


int j = g();	// Good -- declaration has initialization.

Note that MSVC and gcc implements for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i) correctly (the scope of i is only the scope of the for loop), so you can then reuse i in another for loop in the same scope. It also correctly scopes declarations in if and while statements, e.g.

while (const char* p = strchr(str, '/'))
	str = p + 1;

There is one caveat: if the variable is an object, its constructor is invoked every time it enters scope and is created, and its destructor is invoked every time it goes out of scope.

// Inefficient implementation:
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++ i)
	Foo f;  // My ctor and dtor get called 1000000 times each.

It may be more efficient to declare such a variable used in a loop outside that loop:

Foo f;  // My ctor and dtor get called once each.
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; ++ i)


Static or global variables of class type are forbidden: they cause hard-to-find bugs due to indeterminate order of construction and destruction. On some platform, (e.g. Android), a global variables with constructor crashes all the time.

Objects with static storage duration, including global variables, static variables, static class member variables, and function static variables, must be Plain Old Data (POD): only ints, chars, floats, or pointers, or arrays/structs of POD.

The order in which class constructors and initializers for static variables are called is only partially specified in C++ and can even change from build to build, which can cause bugs that are difficult to find. Therefore in addition to banning globals of class type, we do not allow static POD variables to be initialized with the result of a function, unless that function (such as getenv(), or getpid()) does not itself depend on any other globals.

Likewise, the order in which destructors are called is defined to be the reverse of the order in which the constructors were called. Since constructor order is indeterminate, so is destructor order. For example, at program-end time a static variable might have been destroyed, but code still running -- perhaps in another thread -- tries to access it and fails. Or the destructor for a static 'string' variable might be run prior to the destructor for another variable that contains a reference to that string.

As a result we only allow static variables to contain POD data. This rule completely disallows vector (use C arrays instead), or string (use const char []).

If you need a static or global variable of a class type, consider initializing a pointer (which will never be freed), from either your main() function or from pthread_once(). Note that this must be a raw pointer, not a "smart" pointer, since the smart pointer's destructor will have the order-of-destructor issue that we are trying to avoid.






