随着Deferred Rendering的普及,许多人开始研究靠post process完成的anti-alias。从STAKLER的Edge AA,到AMD的Directionally Adaptive Edge AA,到Jimenez's MLAA,到I3D 2011上不是纯post process的SRAA,一路都在谱写着post process anti-alias的新篇章。
最近又有两个新的Post process anti-alias出现:NVIDIA的FXAA和Humus大牛的GPAA。这几乎在预示着,anti-alias已经进入了post process的时代。硬件MSAA虽然方便,但由于需要在所有三角形的边缘都作,实属浪费。
NVIDIA的FXAA实际上可以看成是NV实现的GPU MLAA。它将出现在NV SDK 11中。基本性能是1280x720的分辨率下,在NVS 160M上花3.5ms,在Xbox 360上小于2ms。Jimenez's MLAA ...
GDC 2011上GPU Pro 2正式开卖,于是乎备受关注的Jimenez's MLAA也揭开了面纱。在他的网站上不但公开了摘要、截图、视频,甚至还有可执行demo和源代码!
Precompiled DX10 Demo [14.3 MB]
Additional images [72.1 MB]
HD Movie [164 MB]
Source code
1.4 (March 5, 2011): DX9 version, improved pattern blending, better area textures, enhanced the MLAA class interface (now it allows to specify external storage, just in case you have spare render targets) and various minor fixes.
1.3 (February 28, 2011): initial release.
DX9 sou ...