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Tag: Microsoft
From the new website of Kinect for Windows,Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 is released. The Kinect for Windows SDK gives developers easy access to the capabilities offered by the Microsoft Kinect device connected to computers running the Windows 7 operating system and Windows 8 Developer Preview. It includes drivers, rich APIs for raw sensor streams and human motion tracking, installation documents, and resource materials. It provides Kinect capabilities to developers who build applications with C++, C#, or Visual Basic by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This SDK is designed for ...
前一段时间Microsoft研究院宣布了Kinect for Windows SDK。在众人的期盼下,Kinect for Windows SDK Beta终于发布了! 系统要求 硬件 Kinect for Xbox 360 sensor 双核,2.66GHz或更快的机器 支持DirectX® 9.0c的Windows 7兼容显卡 2GB内存 (推荐4GB内存) 软件 Windows 7 (x86或x64) Visual Studio 2010 Express (或其他2010版) Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 各个例子的其他要求,请见Readme 在该SDK的网站可以找到x86和x64的下载链接,也可以找到相关文档。
根据InformationWeek的独家消息,微软已经与NVIDIA达成相关收购协议,并对第三方收购做出限制。 根据美国证券交易委员会提供的申请审查结果,这项交易将使微软获得优先收购权,30%或更多的股票大约为34亿美元。 “根据这项协议,如果有个人或者公司要收购NVIDIA 30%以上流通股时,微软将拥有优先权和否决权”,NVIDIA在提交的备忘录中做出这项声明。 这项协议将使微软可以阻止任何竞争对手试图收购NVIDIA,但是微软和NVIDIA均未公布相关交易的详细信息,并拒绝对此做出评论。 全文见InformationWeek