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Deferred Rendering在KlayGE中已经出现比较长时间了,我也写过系列文章来阐述KlayGE中的延迟渲染。在将要推出的KlayGE 4.0中,Deferred Rendering进入了渲染系统的核心,可以作为更通用更方便的一个渲染封装来使用。 在功能上,KlayGE 4.0中的Deferred Rendering也有了长足的进步。本系列将着重于解析这些新改进。 流水线 先来看看Deferred Rendering的流水线。 在流水线方面,第一个比较大的变化是,G-Buffer改成了MRT的,用类似Deferred Shading的fat G-Buffer来避免在shading pass再次渲染一遍物体。新G-Buffer的布局将在下一篇分解。在shading pass阶段,只需要渲染一个全屏quad,在每个pixel上把材质和光照信息结合就可以了 ...
[zh] 正如id Software的传统和承诺,Doom 3的源代码以GPL3的协议发布了。其中不包含游戏数据,而且因为法律原因,原引擎中的阴影渲染技巧“卡马克反转”也已经被替换掉。 你可以从下载到。 [/zh] [en] As promised and as per tradition, id Software has released the Doom 3 source code under GPL3. No game data is contained, and the original engine's shadow rendering trick known as Carmack's reverse has been replaced for legal reasons. You can find it here: [/en]
今年Gamefest的材料放得比较慢,之前公开过一小部分,直到现在才都公开。有兴趣的可以到Microsoft downloads直接用"gamefest 2011"搜索下载。 Chuck Walbourn的blog列举了一些Windows开发者感兴趣的主题,供大家参考: Performance How Valve Makes Games Better with XPerf (Windows Performance Toolkit) (US | Valve PDF Valve Code) Scaling Your Game to N Cores: A Deep Dive on Tasking (US UK) Direct3D Modern Texture Content Pipelines (US UK Code) Symbolic Differentiation in HLSL (US UK Examples) Tiled Resources for Xbox 360 and Direct3D 11 (US UK Code) Visual C++ Agile C++ Game Dev ...
From Today we are releasing an updated version of the Android NDK, now in revision 7. The updated NDK lets developers who are using native code get started with the new native APIs available in Android 4.0. Android NDK r7 includes a number of build system improvements and bug fixes, but most importantly it gives you access to two new sets of APIs: Low-level streaming multimedia: A new API based on Khronos OpenMAX AL 1.0.1 provides a direct, efficient path for low-level streaming multimedia. The new path is ...
几个月以前我试着实现了第一个WebGL程序,但需要单独一个网页有点麻烦。能不能把WebGL代码嵌入Wordpress的帖子中呢? 答案是YES,只要把代码都放在<pre></pre>之间就可以了。下面就是一个例子: Your browser does not support the canvas. // // // 把canvas、js、vs、ps都用pre包起来之后,你就可以在Wordpress的帖子中看到WebGL渲染的结果了!注意canvas标签里面需要一行字,比如“Your browser does not support the canvas”,否则那个canvas可能会被Wordpress的编辑工具删掉。
From NVIDIA's newsletter: The first CUDA 4.1 release candidate (RC1) is now available to GPU Computing Registered Developers. This is a great opportunity to try the new compiler, enhanced libraries, and improved development tools we’ve added to the CUDA Toolkit for this release. We’re looking forward to hearing your experiences (good and bad) so we can make CUDA 4.1 the best release yet! Please login to download your copy of CUDA Toolkit 4.1 and updated SDK code samples. If you encounter any problems, please use the Bug Report link in your registered developer account. https://nvde ...
[zh] 本文的目的不是为了完整地把Python 3.2移植到Android,只是希望编译出能用在自己程序里的链接库。 完成boost 1.47的移植之后,下一个目标就是Python 3.2。目前Python只有2.6.2非官方地移植到了Android(见P4A),他们迟迟不开始移植3.x,主要原因是他们认为3.x没用-_-。看来这件事情只能自己做了。由于Python 3.x和之前的版本有着巨大的区别,其难度完全不可预测。 准备工作 需要下载 Python 3.2.0 Crystax's NDK r6 Cygwin P4A configure 按照linux平台的老习惯,很多配置是写在.in文件中,需要用configure来生成出对应的.c或者.h。这里需要特别注意的是,需要让configure用NDK的工具链: ./configure --host=a ...
From the new website of Kinect for Windows,Kinect for Windows SDK Beta 2 is released. The Kinect for Windows SDK gives developers easy access to the capabilities offered by the Microsoft Kinect device connected to computers running the Windows 7 operating system and Windows 8 Developer Preview. It includes drivers, rich APIs for raw sensor streams and human motion tracking, installation documents, and resource materials. It provides Kinect capabilities to developers who build applications with C++, C#, or Visual Basic by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This SDK is designed for ...
[zh] 在PC上的C++开发中,boost已经很普遍。但对于Android这样的移动平台呢?由于KlayGE正在移植Android,作为依赖库之一的boost也必须移植过去。官方的boost并没有提供Android支持,看来得自己做了。 受MysticTreeGames的Boost-for-Android启发,我想用最新的Crystax NDK来编译boost 1.47。 准备工作 需要下载 boost 1.47 Crystax's NDK r6 MysticTreeGames的Boost-for-Android 补丁 首先,MysticTreeGames的补丁是基于boost 1.45和官方的NDK r5,在最新版上不一定能完美运作。因为有些源文件在1.45到1.47的过程中更改了,无法自动打上补丁。所以我手工地在原始的boost 1.47上根据补丁进行修改。其实不太难,因为只有12 ...
不经意间发现已经有很小一部分Gamefest 2011的演讲已经可以下载到了,包括: Modern Texture Content Pipelines (UK) Modern Texture Content Pipelines (US) Tiled Resources for Xbox 360 and Direct3D 11 (UK) 完整的列表早已公开,但还没提供下载链接。上面那三个(或者说两个)就当作先睹为快吧。 它们的代码分别也可以在这里和这里找到。