With the development of mobile platforms' software and hardware, more and more games are available for mobile platforms. And other great game engine, such as Unreal, also has mobile versions. Probably it won't take a long time to see a mobile CryEngine.
除了软硬件本身,阻碍开发的另一个因素就是开发语言。几乎所有现有桌面平台的游戏引擎都是用C/C++完成的,如果手机平台上没有C/C++的支持,那么重写引擎的代价会非常的大。下面 ...
早在2009年google就发布了android NDK,旨在用C/C++来开发android程序。但NDK并不能纯粹用C/C++来使用,而是通过JNI的形式让Java端调用。现在,这一点终于有了改观。在NDK r5上,可以独立用C/C++完成开发了!而且,OpenGL ES,Open SL ES,感应器等平台相关的API也暴露给了native,可以直接调用。对广大游戏开发者不啻为一件美事。
来自于google人员的blog中提到:“Of course, access to the regular Android API still requires Dalvik, and the VM is still present in native applications, operating behind the scenes. Should you need to do more than the NDK interfaces provide, you can always invoke Dalvik methods via JNI. ...