KlayGE 3.9.0将增加一系列的内容创建工具,包括Model Viewer,Particle Editor,UI Editor,Material Editor等。3DSMax导出插件支持完整的材质导出。
KlayGE 3.9.0 will have a series of content creation tools, including Model Viewer, Particle Editor, UI Editor, Material Editor, etc. 3DSMax export plug-in will be enhanced to export all kinds of materials.

在渲染引擎方面,KlayGE 3.9.0将完全支持Stream output和Multi thread rendering。在未来的版本里,D3D9插件不再增加新功能,只是保持接口兼容。
KlayGE 3.9.0的发布时间预计于2009年8月。
KlayGE will be enabled to read and write XML file directly. XMLs such as fxml, uiml and MeshML will not require to be compiled any more. This simplifies the compiling process.
In the rendering system, KlayGE 3.9.0 will fully support Stream output and Multi thread rendering. In the future, D3D9 plug-in will not be added into any new feature, just keep the interface compatible.
The release of KlayGE 3.9.0 is expected in August 2009.